Zoom into Spring with ZDA
Challenging and Inspiring Landscape Architects
WIASLA 2013 Spring Conference | March 7 & 8, 2013
Award-winning landscape architect Steven G. Ziegler challenged fellow landscape architects to rethink the way they shape the built environment with his engaging presentation: “Edibility, Food Production & Community Building”, at the annual WIASLA conference held in Oconomowoc. Motivated by Steve’s thought-provoking questions and inspiring examples, many lingered well past the end of the session to ask questions, connect with each other and further the discussion. ZDA is proud to contribute to the professional development of landscape architects.
For more information about WIASLA or the annual conference, please visit: wiasla.com
ZDA Graduates!
Sustain Dane’s MPower Champions Class of 2012
ZDA is proud to be a 2012 graduate of the MPower Champions program, standing alongside many innovative Madison businesses dedicated to reducing waste while improving the workplace and the sustainability of our community. A celebration event held at the Lussier Family Heritage Center on March 20, 2013 recognized our class’s efforts and welcomed the incoming “Class of 2013” Champions!
To learn about Sustain Dane’s MPower Champion program and read our inspiring stories, visit: mpoweringmadison.com
Featured Project: “Arts and Crafts” Historic Renovation
The renovation of a historic Arts and Crafts home’s front entrance in the University Heights neighborhood includes on-site stormwater management, improved accessibility, and custom iron, brick, and stone detailing. An international design movement flourishing from 1860-1920, the Arts and Crafts style stands for traditional craftsmanship using simple forms and applying medieval, romantic or folk-style decoration. Final construction drawings are underway, and the project will be submitted to the Historic Homeowner’s Income Tax Credit Program. See updates on our Facebook page.
For more information on the Arts and Crafts architectural movement, visit: metmuseum.org
Fabulous Fruits, Madison Originals Magazine
Check out “Fabulous Fruits” in Madison Originals Magazine’s current issue. To view the article online, please visit: madisonoriginalsmagazine.com, and click on the “current issue” icon, or pick up a copy in your favorite Madison restaurant, grocery store or business.
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